With over 35 enemies to battle and many more fantastic creatures to meet, below is just a small sample of what you may encounter when exploring the lands of Persia:

Originating from nearby Babylon, this monstrous scorpion hybrid has invaded the deserts of Persia. If you can manage to kill one, don't forget to take it's tail!

Divs, or Deevs come in many forms. This shaggy nocturnal subtype will ruin your midnight stroll as it's scream can drain your very life!

The Mardkhora is a ferocious opponent if unlucky enough to run into one. Aside from it's teeth and claws, it can turn your into a pin cushion with it's deadly tail spines!

High above the clouds away from mortals live the Peri, small winged humanoids with a fondness for music and perfumes. It's rumored that Peris with golden wings can even grant wishes!

Ever wanted your own flying mount? How about a Chamrosh? This bird/dog hybrid will heed your call if in need of some fast travel!

While Wiener Dogs are not a common sight in desert lands, there have been a few sightings in Siraf, so keep an eye out!